The team

Your path back to a fulfilling life will be supported by a team of highly competent, experienced experts. We engage on an equal footing with the people who come to us. We involve them in planning their therapy from the very start, in their individual therapy programme, and in planning their ultimate discharge.

The team of the Private Clinic

Undine Lang, Prof. Dr. med.

Direktorin der Klinik für Erwachsene und der Privatklinik

Franziska Rabenschlag, Dr. phil

Pflegeleitung der Privatklinik, Zentrums- und Bereichsleiterin Pflege, Zentrum für Diagnostik und Krisenintervention und Zentrum für Psychotische Erkrankungen

J House

Nicolai Rohner, Dr. med.

Stv. Oberarzt

Monika Becker, Dipl. Pflegefachfrau HF

Abteilungsleiterin Pflege Haus J, Privatklinik

B House

Oliver Herrmann, Dr. med.

Stv. Oberarzt

Nora Bötel, M.A. Community Mental Health

Abteilungsleiterin Pflege Haus B, Privatklinik

The Outpatient Department of the Private Clinic

Anna Eras, Dr. med.

Oberärztin, Privatklinik Ambulanz

Anna Maria Schulte, Dr. med.

Oberärztin, Privatklinik Ambulanz

Dominik Stöbi, Dr. med.

Oberarzt, Privatklinik Ambulanz

Elisabeth Strickler, med. pract.

Stv. Oberärztin, Privatklinik Ambulanz

Emergency contact, Private Clinic

During business hours:
Phone +41 61 325 52 08

Outside business hours:
Phone +41 61 325 51 00

University Psychiatric Clinics (UPK) Basel
Wilhelm Klein-Str. 27, Basel, Switzerland